BOR Personen Details

Aysegül Engin, BSc Bakk. MSc PhD
Aysegül Engin
T: +43-1-4277-38176
1 - 10 out of 10

Engin, A., & Vetschera, R. (2019). Feedback, Information Representation and Bidder Behavior in Electronic Auctions. In L. White, M. Kunc, K. Burger, & J. Malpass (Eds.), Behavioral Operational Research: A Capabilities Approach (pp. 59-71). Palgrave Macmillan.

Engin, A., & Vetschera, R. (2019). Overconfidence in Electronic Reverse Auctions. In L. Zadnik Stirn, M. Kljajić Borštnar, J. Žerovnik, S. Drobne, & J. Povh (Eds.), Procedings of the 15th International Symposium on Operational Research : SOR 19 (pp. 41-46)

Engin, A. (2015). Effects of Information Representation on Cognitive Biases in an Auction Framework. In The 15th International Conference on Group Decision & Negotiation Letters (pp. 383-388). Warsaw School of Economics Press.

1 - 10 out of 10

Designing and conducting laboratory experiments in behavioral OR

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Do decisiveness and ambiguity intolerance affect how groups manage conflict in a decision support environment?

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Individual differences and group conflict in a decision support environment

Aysegül Engin (Speaker), L. Alberto Franco (Contributor) & Etiënne Rouwette (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Ratio bias revisited: The impact of decision maker characteristics

Aysegül Engin (Speaker), Rudolf Vetschera (Contributor) & David Bourdin (Contributor)

14 Jul 202121 Jul 2021

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Overconfidence in Electronic Reverse Auctions

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

30 Sept 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Activating the adequate thinking mode when making decisions – an analysis of visualization techniques

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

23 Jun 201926 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Can fairness concerns be mitigated with efficient contracting in collaborative platforms?

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

11 Jun 201915 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Role of feedback on bidding behavior in electronic first price reverse auctions

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

11 Jun 201915 Jun 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Optimistic overconfidence in bidding behavior with differently represented cost feedback in electronic reverse auctions

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

GOR - Workshop der Arbeitsgruppe "Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

27 Feb 2017

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Information representation in decisions under risk

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Role of feedback on bidding behavior in first price reverse auctions

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

OR58 Annual Conference

Aysegül Engin (Speaker)

6 Sept 2016

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Department of Business Decisions and Analytics

Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Wien
Room: 04.631

T: +43-1-4277-38176